This is the
second part of my last article of 2013.
The economy
It can be
expected – according to the Dutch Central Planning Bureau (CPB) – that the Dutch economy
will grow slightly in 2014, but that no large improvement in the economic
situation will emerge.
forecasted growth of 0.2% is insignificant and it is even well within the range
of statistical measurement errors: this means that the whole growth is yet
I neither expect a spectacular improvement in Dutch exports, nor in domestic consumption. In my opinion, both will remain at moderate levels.
respect to the exports, it seems that there is no zone with spectacular
economic growth within or outside the Eurozone.
Even the 4.1%
of forecasted economic growth in the US seems to be rather based on overly
optimistic assumptions than on real growth; Joe Sixpack, the archetypical 'average' American
citizen, still seems to be cautiously consuming at the end of 2013.
economic growth within Europe will also be moderate at best in 2014 and the
fairytale of the everlasting growth in the BRIC countries seems to be crushed by
reality too.
For me, the
most telling detail with respect to forecasted exports for 2014, has been the
strongly diminished fleet of cargo planes of the large Dutch airliner KLM: how can it be that Dutch exports will
soar in 2014, when one of the largest cargo airliners in Europe reduces its
fleet by 30%. That does not match.
moderate growth of exports, as well as the still handicapped domestic
consumption in The Netherlands (see the next chapter), cause that I don’t expect
more than only moderate economic growth in The Netherlands.
That is of course, unless
something dramatically happens that spurs growth: a new invention or a dramatic
change in the global economic or political situation. The latter does not necessarily need to be good news, as you might suspect. If such events would indeed happen, it could be a whole different ball-game.
Consumption and consumer behaviour
As I
mentioned before, the economic growth in The Netherlands will probably only be
moderate in 2014. At the same
time, the general employment in The Netherlands will not grow yet and unemployment
will probably even increase in 2014, according to the CPB.
It is
without a doubt that these two conditions have impact on the general
consumption in The Netherlands and – as a consequence – on the results of all companies
(including the retail industry), that live from business-to-consumer sales
This means that for 2014, the economic outlook for small and medium
enterprises and especially retail stores is moderate to poor.
To explain
my point, I made a table of the forecasted Dutch consumption for 2014.
preassumption was that there are a few different groups of consumers in The Netherlands,
with their own consumption patterns:
- The (financially)
independent people (i.e. wealthy people), who earn sufficient income to do whatever
they want – now and in the future;
- The people
who have a fixed job and a steady income, but that are not 100% sure that their
job survives 2014;
- The people,
whose steady job is either on the line or who have a flex-contract with a high
amount of uncertainty about their immediate financial future;
- Jobless people, who receive either unemployment benefit or welfare or freelancers without an assignment, who are living from their savings alone.
![]() |
Expected consumption patterns for different categories of consumers Chart by: Ernst's Economy Click to enlarge |
the first category of financially independent people has had a very good year in
2013, with the excellent investment results on the stock exchanges and the increasing
profits of the larger companies in The Netherlands.
Therefore I expect that
their consumption might soar in 2014, especially in the categories for
expensive products and services. These people will be among the first to adopt
a positive economic change with respect to next year.
However, it
is my firm opinion that people, whose job could be on the line (category 2), will
remain consuming cautiously with respect to expensive products and services.
the purchases of new cars by this group have often been carried forward to
2013, in order to yet profit from (ending) tax breaks on environmentally friendly
cars. This will have a definite impact on car sales in the first months of
The last
two groups will carry on to consume only the products and services that they hardly
can live without; all other kinds of consumption will be kept to the bare
This brings
me to the following outlook for 2014:
- Supermarkets and especially discounters, like Lidl, Aldi and Dirk van de Broek will continue to grab market share from specialized retailers, like greengrocers, drugstores, butcher shops and bakeries and from the more expensive supermarket chains as well.
- The price battle that started in 2013 (it is too small in size to call it a price war) will continue well into 2014, but it will not have a clear winner.
- Losers might be the suppliers and the supermarket chains whose margins are under pressure for various reasons.
- Outlet
stores and other thrift stores (stores with cheap and / or second hand goods), as
well as the most inexpensive online stores might flourish in 2014;
- The same is
also true, however, for the very expensive retail stores, which sell the real
premium brands to their exclusive clientele (i.e. Cartier, Louis Vuitton and
other premium brand stores).
- The richest people in The Netherlands have only become richer during the last few years and especially in 2013, as this was an extraordinarily good year for the international stock exchanges.
- All other (non-food) retail stores and store chains (online as well as brick-and-mortar) will go through a very hard time for the sixt year in a row, since the crisis started in 2008.
The stock exchanges
(Disclaimer: This is
by no means an investment advice. As I don’t invest myself, there is none of my
personal money on the line here. Therefore I don’t take any responsibility for
people who invest, based upon my assumptions, as printed here)
It will be
very hard to beat 2013, as an almost perfect year for investments in stock.
companies, which are traded at the stock exchanges, are well on their way of
getting overpriced in the current investment climate, as their profit outlook
is still only moderate, according to me.
When the
economic growth in 2014 will eventually disappoint (which it might IMHO), then
there could be a fierce negative correction at the stock exchanges. For the
AEX Amsterdam Index, I see 400-425 points rather as a ceiling than as a starting point for
further growth of stock rates.
I therefore
advice people to invest cautiously in stock and to be especially careful with
social media stock: ‘new’ stocks, like LinkedIn,
Facebook, Netflix and Twitter must still show that they have a sustainable future
as ‘profit generators’. In my opinion they can't!
does not necessarily mean profitable in this context and especially Facebook and Twitter run a severe risk of getting out of fashion within a few years. And even if the
latter does not happen, it will nevertheless be extremely hard for especially Twitter
to make any profit at all in the future:
- Asking money for the Twitter service is out of the question for now and for the distant future;
- Possibilities for advertising and data mining are reduced on this medium, due to the high numbers and rapid aging process of tweets. Sponsored tweets just disappear in the tsunami of other tweets.
I am less
negative about the fixed income market. Although the interest rates on corporate bonds have been
rising lately and have put the prices of corporate bonds under some pressure,
the various interest rates in the EU and the US seem destined to stay extremely
low for a long, long time (due to the deflationary forces that have been emerging the last few years).
On top of
that, it seems that gold has finally had its ‘ ten years of fame’ and has
returned to pré-2010 prices, only to go down further and further.
At the same
time, there is a substantial chance for near-zero or even negative interest rates
on sovereign bonds and T-bills from the strongest countries: a.o. the United
States and Germany.
These low yields on sovereign bonds from these investment
grade countries will turn corporate bonds from respected and trusted companies
into a good investment IMHO. This will
probably mean that there will be an ample amount of relatively cheap investment
money available for the large companies.
This money supply reduces the necessity for these
companies to deploy bonds at higher-than-strictly-necessary interest rates,
especially as a negative correction of the stock rates seems plausible in 2014. Consequently,
it could be that the fixed income market turns from the loser of 2013 into the
winner of 2014.
The banking industry
The Dutch banking
industry still has to deal with two nationalized banks on one hand and a very negative
image on the other hand. The latter has been reinforced in 2013 by:
- the nationalization of SNS Reaal;
- the Libor-gate affair of the Rabobank, followed by the initially indifferent reaction of this bank to this massive scandal;
- Rabo-CEO Piet Moerland, who was already months before his retirement, was sacrificed, but the main responsible for the scandal, Sipko Schat, stayed put initially, only to retire when his position was untenable eventually.
In the final
months of 2013, there has been a fierce discussion between bankers, economists
and politicians upon the leverage ratios, with respect to the balance sheets of
What made this very important discussion somewhat worrisome is how
disinformed and pigheaded some of the protagonists in this discussion were.
Instead of
looking for good and well-funded arguments to make a useful point, the discussion
was often about bashing and punishing the banks for everything that went wrong
in 2008 and in the years before that very moment.
bank(er)s on their behalf kept pushing their arguments ‘that ‘2008’ was something of the past and that the industry
had learned its lesson in the meantime’. In other words: ‘Stop bashing us!’
Both reactions seemed out of touch and (somewhat) naïve.
On top of
that, there have been the overly emotional reactions of the general public towards banks
and bankers, as well as the disconnected reactions of some bankers upon these public emotions.
events all showed that the financial industry as a whole has some ground to
cover, before the situation turns to normal again. I really doubt if this will
already happen in 2014.
that, there is the situation within the banking industry that successful and
profitable investments – with a reduced level of risk – remain scarce these
- Especially the demand, as well as the supply, for credit towards the Small and Medium Enterprises remains at a very low level. This will probably not change much in 2014;
- While the SME companies are traditionally seen as the motor of the Dutch economy, this motor is yet faltering.
- Banks, on their behalf, remain busy with their battle for a viable margin and against bad investments.
- Their risk awareness is still 20 / 20 and they will consequently refuse to hand out credit to companies, which don’t have ironclad investment plans and collateral in exchange.
The building & construction, manufacturing and
commercial services
there seems to be some movement in the Dutch CRE markets (commercial real
estate), especially at the triple A-locations, it is yet too early to declare
the crisis to be ‘finished’.
There is
still an enormous excess capacity for commercial and office buildings AND building ground, as well as there is excess capacity within the construction industry itself.
Therefore I
stick with my opinion that the capacity in the CRE construction industry
should be reduced with at least 40%, in comparison with 2008.
The longer that
the government waits with deploying a master plan to enable this, the bigger
the chance is that the market does it for them, with disastrous results for
employment within this industry.
respect to the residential building industry (RRE), the market forces will also rather be pointed downwards than upwards.
When the government plans, to enforce billion euro levies upon the general renting market and especially the building cooperatives, will be taken into
consideration and when we consider that the prices of owner-occupied houses are
still dropping by 5% y-o-y, there is very little chance that the residential building
industry will go through a real revival in 2014.
It could be
that the bottom of the owner-occupied housing market is actually reached in
2014, but that is not yet certain, as
deflationary forces seem very much at work in The Netherlands lately (see the aforementioned link).
And when real deflation gets hold of The Netherlands, the dropping housing prices
could last for a long, long time.
I am more
optimistic about the manufacturing industry in The Netherlands, especially when
it is specialized in business-to-business delivery.
While the
consumption in The Netherlands remains awkward, the production of high-quality raw
materials (a.o. high-quality steel), high-tech parts, semi-finished products and tools for
other industries could profit from the slightly growing global economy and the
stable demand for electronic gadgets and hardware-innovations.
like Philips (especially the medical and lighting divisions), TomTom, ASML,
ASMI, Stork, Ten Cate, VDL and ArcelorMittal and the high-tech companies in the
Eindhoven region could strongly profit from the outstanding quality and
extraordinary characteristics of their products in 2014, when the economy keeps
growing indeed.
Within the
commercial services industry, there is a division between the ICT / data driven
services on one hand and the ‘normal’ transport &
distribution and commercial services on the other hand.
Since a few
years, The Netherlands is rapidly building upon a reputation as a stronghold
for data hosting facilities, due to the excellent data infrastructure and the
well-educated, multilingual population.
Large data centers are emerging everywhere within the
country and the demand for (private) cloud services is still rising rapidly.
This development will continue in 2014 and could be a driver for high-tech jobs
in The Netherlands.
This favourable
trend has probably a lot to do with the ever-growing curiosity of the American
government and intelligence services concerning the data collection of about any
company and person in the world.
Many companies feel probably, that when they
store their data in The Netherlands (i.e. outside the US), it might be safer for the
watchful eye of American government officials (which I really doubt, by the way).
examples of this development are the ‘gargantuous’ €2 billion datacenter that Microsoft is
developing in the small Dutch town of Middenmeer and the various datacenters that
have been recently developed in Almere.
Data is hot in The Netherlands.
I am less
optimistic about the normal commercial services and especially transport and
distribution. These services will still suffer a lot from the diminished
domestic consumption and exports and I have little reason to think that this
will change dramatically in 2014.
The European Union and the Euro-zone
The euro-zone of 2014 will be just like the euro-zone has been in previous years: two steps
forward and one step back. The European Banking Union was a sensible step, but
it has not become what it should have been yet.
While the
need for further political, economic and financial integration within the EU stands tall, in my opinion, there is
still the growing aversion against the EU among the European population.
Europeans want to stop any further integration of the EU and the Euro-zone and
the parallel trend of growing xenophobia won’t stop yet in 2014.
Therefore, I called it a blessing
in disguise that
the integration of the Ukraine with the EU was stopped, although I feel
very sorry for the many Ukrainians, who put their money on the EU.
The best
what can happen in 2014 is that:
- the EU and the Euro-zone first try to cope in a good way with the Rumanian and Bulgarian workers that are now free to work all over Europe;
- the EU
figures out how the economies of the impoverished and shell-shocked EU countries can be moved into
action again;
- This is of imminent importance for the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) and the Eastern European countries, but also for the North-Western EU countries and especially France, which need the economic impulse as well.
In other
words: instead of thinking about expansion of the EU, the EU should work upon economic
and political improvement of the EU in its current form.
That will be a helluva task for
the whole EU in 2014, especially as the member-states still behave like 28
frogs in a wheelbarrow and refuse too often to look at the common benefit.
And now, I
have finally nothing left than wishing you – my dear readers – the best for
2014: may it be a healthy, loving, prosperous and successful year for you and
your loved ones.