Sometimes, I don’t find the news, but instead the news manages
to find me.
Yesterday, I noticed that one
of my articles, which I wrote about container shipping and the Baltic Dry Index (BDIY) in
February 2012, suddenly became extremely popular with over 150 reads in two days.
This happened seemingly
without a reason and without the article being picked up by another news
medium. By the way, the latter doesn’t happen very often with old articles are they are just… old. So you can understand that this provoked my unconditional interest.
Therefore tonight, out of curiosity, I checked out the
Baltic Dry Index to see if something happened there. And boy, did something
happen there indeed. Check out the following stat from Bloomberg:
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Baltic Dry Index (BDIY) 5Y chart Chart courtesy of Click to enlarge |
Since December 2011, when the Baltic Dry Index took a
nosedive of more than 1000 points, the index had not been nowhere near the
2000+ points, where it currently resides.
However, since 2 September 2013, the index climbed by 900
points to 2127 (25 September) from 1139 points (see the next chart).
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Baltic Dry Index (BDIY) 5Y chart Chart courtesy of Click to enlarge |
Could this be the beginning of the end of the economic
crisis that we are currently in? Or is it a false alarm, like the sudden, sharp
rises in 2010 (see the 5Y chart) had also been false alarms in hindsight, as at that moment the
Euro-crisis had not yet kicked in?!
Since the beginning of 2012, the container prices showed a
dramatic 1,5 year depression, as the world watched the Euro-crisis unfold and probably
feared the chaos that a possible ‘Grexit’ could cause.
Another reason could have been that the extreme growth in
the BRIC’s countries, which raised the demand for bulky goods even during the worldwide crisis,
had cooled down substantially.
Maybe now the time has come that many consumers and (in
their trail) manufacturers in the US and Europe declare the economic crisis to
be finished and put up their happy, bullish face again! The enduring American
optimism and the better than expected economic results from a.o. France, Spain
and Germany seem to point in this direction.
And in China there has been an important and probably influential change of power: President Hu Jintao has been replaced by Xi Jinping. The latter seems to be cautiously
on the path towards more political reforms and less repression for the Chinese
And even more important, he also seems to be on the path towards more open economic relations with the Western World. The
new free-trade-zone near Shanghai and the experiments with a freely exchangeable renminbi could indeed
be the beginning of better trade relations between the China and the Western World, mainly represented by the US and Europe.
This event by itself could already spur trade and economic growth all over the world. However, you should always be careful with political change
in China: mostly the political and economic changes seems more dramatic than they are, in reality. So let’s
look how this possible game-changer plays out!
Nevertheless, according to the container shipping behemoth
Maersk from Danmark, it could indeed be true
that a new period of growth has started. The following article comes from the
Financial Times:
The world’s biggest
container shipping line by market share has called the bottom of the global
trade cycle, predicting that the world will come out of the funk induced by the
Eurozone crisis in the coming two years.
The recession in many
worldwide economies that followed the 2008 crisis caused trade to collapse
around the world. The continuing recession in Europe and slowdown in China and
other big developing economies this year have led the World Trade Organisation
and others to downgrade their expectations for global trade this year and next.
The WTO expects global trade to grow by just 2.5% this year.
But Maersk Line said
on Thursday it believed the downturn in trade had bottomed out and predicted
demand for global containers would grow by 4-6% in 2014 and 2015, up from
recent forecasts of 2-3% for this year.
“We believe we’ve reached the bottom of the cycle,” Jakob Stausholm,
Maersk Line’s chief financial officer, told investors and analysts in
Copenhagen on Thursday.
Maersk is one of the
best corporate indicators of global trade as it carries 15% of all seaborne
containers. In recent years it has been weighed down by the weakness of
Asia-Europe trade but in a major bet on the future of global trade it has
started taking delivery of the first of the world’s biggest container ships,
the Triple E class each of which can transport the equivalent of 180m iPads.
Global container
demand collapsed after the financial crisis, dropping by close to 16% at the
start of 2009. But Mr Stausholm said such a decline was exceptional and that
the present growth rate of 2-3% had historically represented the trough in the
shipping industry.
“This is an extreme
environment. But there are early signals that world trade is returning,” he
told the Financial Times.
Container shipping is
not the only part of the industry to see an increase in trade looming. The
Baltic Dry index, a gauge of ship earnings for dry bulk carriers transporting a
range of commodities, collapsed in the wake of the financial crisis, and last
year sagged to its lowest level since August 1986. However, the index has
climbed over 200% this year as trade has gingerly picked up.
The Baltic Dry is
still over 80% below its 2008 peak, but some economists expects the gauge to
continue to climb higher as an economic recovery gathers pace the developed
However, not everybody is so optimistic. The
Economic Times/ India Times warns investors to be careful:
Shipping company
stocks have got a Baltic boost, with the share prices of some of these
companies rising by 5%-20% in a single trading session on Thursday, but
analysts maintain that it's not yet time to invest in such stocks.
A rise in the Baltic
Dry Index (BDI), benchmark for measure of shipping or sea freight rates across
the world, is fuelling a rally in share price of companies such as ABG
Shipyard, Essar Shipping, Mercator, Bharati Shipyard, Varun Shipping and
Shipping Corporation of India among others.
However, market
experts in India aren't too excited with the rising share prices and are
discounting a pick-up in shipping trade.
"It's not yet
time to invest in shipping stocks," said Saurabh Mukherjea, CEO,
institutional equities, Ambit Capital. "Indian players are too small and
there is massive overcapacity in the global shipping industry.
"Baltic index
rally is only the result of improvement in foreign freight rates, and the rise
in share price of domestic companies could be a knee-jerk reaction," said
Kapil Yadav, assistant VP at Dolat Capital. Market experts say that Indian
companies are usually plying small-sized vessels whereas containers listed in
the BDI are large-sized vessels.
Of course the rise in foreign freight rates stands for
something. However, what that ‘something’ is, is not sure at this time.
Like my aforementioned article from February, 2012 already pointed
out: higher prices are not always the result of increasing demand. They COULD
also be the result of illegal price agreements between shipping companies.
wait and see if that perhaps is the reason behind the sudden rise of the BDIY!
While it doesn't change the gist of your article but just to be clear - the Baltic Dry Index has little to do with containers or indeed 'bulky goods'. It's composed of routes shipping bulk commodities so.. high volume low('ish) value such as; iron ore used to make steel, coal to drive power stations and grain for food. In this sense it is a leading indicator further up the supply chain then container prices which move manufactured products/goods. If the BDI is rallying in the short term (i.e. extracting new ships coming on market) then global demand for more buildings and products should follow. However, we should not forget that commodity firms stockpile iron ore to play the commodity so this is a large influence on importing more ore - when the price of iron ore drops they will increase imports and stock pile until the price goes up whereby they sell onto the steel mill etc.. Lastly, to respond to your final point - the BDI is based on the four major vessel asset classes (visualise ships the length 1 Canary wharf etc..) these indices are made up of daily prices quoted on the routes seeing the highest volume. These routes are averages of rates quoted by expert, independent panels of brokers with no money of their own in the market therefore no pressure to buckle under pressure from clients. Your final point about the influence of price fixing is not accurate.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this wonderfully clarifying comment. You filled in a few blank spots that I had about this index. In hindsight I could have written this article a little bit more precise. Ernst