This weekly show, presented by BNR’s hotshot radio-maker Paul van Liempt, featured an interview
with the new BNR correspondent for the EU in Brussels, the adorable and smart journalist
Anke Truijen.
Exactly this day the rumour had been spread that the rookie
Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem had been named as the successor of Jean-Claude
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Picture of Paul van Liempt at BNR Newsroom Picture taken by Ernst Labruyère Click to enlarge |
This Luxemburg Prime Minister had chaired the very important
and influential Eurogroup during the previous eight years. In this position he
had been involved in all important events, concerning the Euro-crisis. This Eurogroup consists of the Finance Ministers of the
Euro-zone countries and has a very important role in the negotiation and preparation
process of all political decisions concerning the Euro.
According to the writer of the book “The Eurocrisis” and former Financieele Dagblad ( correspondent in Brussels, Martin Visser, Jean-Claude Juncker had weakened his position as a chairman, by making a large tactical blunder during the Euro-crisis in December, 2010.
In an Op-Ed to the Financial Times, which Juncker wrote with Italian Finance minister Giulio Tremonti, Juncker mentioned Eurobonds as a possible solution for the Euro-crisis. To state that this plan met very little excitement among the other Euro-zone Finance Ministers, would be the understatement of the year. As a consequence Juncker operated as a lame duck during the last years of his stint as chairman of the Euro-group.
Still, his role as chairman had been extremely important.
Now, the Dutch Dijsselbloem, who served only for the last Quarter of 2012 as Finance Minister, had been mentioned as his successor. Was this
coincidence? Of had something more been going on?!
My question to Anke
Truijen was: Is Dijsselbloem mentioned as chairman to get the stubborn
Dutchies out of the way with their resistance against further Euro-integration?
Unfortunately, Anke did not hear any rumours about this yet and therefore could not give a definite answer in this matter. However, in my humble opinion this was hardly necessary. Now, almost one month after BNR Newsroom I still stick with
my initial suspicion. Why would I doubt it anyway?!
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Anke Truijen Picture copied from Anke's Twitter-account Click to enlarge |
Although Dutch PM Mark Rutte and Dijsselbloem himself still
go through the motions of denying that Dijsselbloem is the candidate of choice
for the chairman position, it becomes more and more clear that Dijsselbloem is indeed the one and only candidate.
Juncker himself stated that the candidate comes from a
country where they speak a Benelux-language (French, Dutch and Luxemburgian).
Other insiders stated that the country that delivers the next chairman should be a country with a Triple-A credit rating (Luxemburg, Finland, Germany and The Netherlands).
To do the math:
- a German chairman would be unacceptable for other countries as this would make Germany too influential within the Euro-zone;
- Luxemburg just had delivered the chairman and choosing another chairman from Luxemburg would be out of the question. On top of that Juncker had messed up his job;
- Belgium already delivers Van Rompuy as President of the EU and, besides that, it has no Triple-A status anymore;
- Finland does not speak a Benelux-language and already delivers the very influential EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn;
To help the journalists and people even further, they could
have said that the candidate should have dark-brown,
curly hair and should wear frameless glasses:
Why was I so sure from the beginning that Dijsselbloem would
get this position, even though it was nothing more than a rumour yet?
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Jeroen Dijsselbloem Picture courtesy of Click to enlarge |
If we look at the recent history of The Netherlands within
the Euro-zone, it would be an overstatement to state that the Dutch role has been
very constructive lately.
In earlier articles, I called PM Mark Rutte and former Finance
Minister Jan-Kees de Jager the
school-bullies of the Euro-zone. They did little more than bashing the
PIIGS-countries and saying ‘nyet’ to almost any decision that could help the EU
move forward, even at moments that the very carefully operating German
chancellor Angela Merkel already had given her approval.
The Netherlands, although a small country, has one of the
strongest economies within the Euro-zone, it has almost the highest GDP per
capita in Europe, it is relatively the biggest exporter within the EU and it is
one of the few remaining Triple-A countries in the world. On top of that, it is
one of the founders of the European Community for Coal and Steel, the earliest
predecessor of the current EU. Within the European Union, it is a must to have the Dutch on
your team.
On the other hand, the country has been one of the most
euro-sceptical Euro-zone members lately, only beaten by the Finns who are currently strongly under
the influence of the populist True Finns party.
To prevent the Dutch PM Mark Rutte and the new Finance Minister
from staying in their comfort-zone of easy Euro-scepticism, the EU is planning
to make Dijsselbloem chairman of the Euro-group.
This solves two problems: 1) The Netherlands again deserves
an influential position within the EU and 2) the EU is certain that The
Netherlands will play a constructive role within the Euro-group and it can’t just
lean back, waiting for other countries to solve the issues.
The chairman of the Euro-group must put the agenda for the
meetings together and he cannot be too Euro-sceptical if he doesn’t want to
lose his credibility. If the Eurogroup agenda – put together by Dijsselbloem – would
show too little progress on the road to the future, ‘Mother’ Merkel would be
ready to whip up the process. Thus the Euro-sceptical Dutch are out of the way,
leaving only the Finns behind: a country that is small enough to be either ignored
or overpowered.
Therefore the election of Dijsselbloem, although he is a
freshman Finance Minister with hardly three months of experience, is a tactical
masterpiece and thus inevitable in my opinion. And PM Mark Rutte? He will grind
his teeth and accept this honourable position with the ‘smile’ of a hungry great white shark.
Does The Netherlands 'gain' something by Dijsselbloem’s
election?! Oh yeah!
I was bothered by the recent Dutch Euro-scepticism as I
considered it to be counterproductive, blunt and utterly stupid.
Now the christian-democrat CDA and especially the populist PVV lost their
important role within the Dutch political process, the VVD and particularly
Mark Rutte remain on their own with their Euro-scepticism. The PvdA (Dutch
labour) is much more pro-Europe and has with Frans Timmermans an extremely adequate
and learned Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Dijsselbloem, although inexperienced, has everything to
become a very good Finance Minister. He seems honest, balanced and fair and he is very intelligent. He doesn't seem to have the negative bias towards the Euro that his predecessor seemingly had.
He has been the chairman of a parliamentary investigative commission that investigated the trouble within the Dutch educational system and did a very fine job there. Further, he has nothing running against him.
To put it even stronger: I voted for him during the last Dutch parliamentary elections. He is my so-called “guy in Den Haag” (i.e. The Hague).
He has been the chairman of a parliamentary investigative commission that investigated the trouble within the Dutch educational system and did a very fine job there. Further, he has nothing running against him.
To put it even stronger: I voted for him during the last Dutch parliamentary elections. He is my so-called “guy in Den Haag” (i.e. The Hague).
Now it is time for the Dutch to collect some bonus-points
again and – on top of that – help the Euro-crisis to be solved for the future,
before the same ol’ same ol’ concerning Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal starts
all over again.
I have no doubt that Dijsselbloem will play an important role in this process; helped by his colleagues within the EU and in spite of the ignorant, blunt and seemingly clueless PM Mark Rutte.
I have no doubt that Dijsselbloem will play an important role in this process; helped by his colleagues within the EU and in spite of the ignorant, blunt and seemingly clueless PM Mark Rutte.
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