I think that
everybody should earn a decent income that someone, who is alone or with a
family, can live from, without feeling like a beggar or a second-rate person. This
goes for the CEO of a company, but also for the cleaning lady, the
maintenance man and the nightporter. For farmers and civil servants. For the
fire fighter and the garbage man.
The degree of civilization of a country can be measured by
the lowest incomes and the quality of life of the people that earn such an
income. You don’t want people to be too poor to live, but too rich to die.
On the other hand, every time when I go to a shop with an
electric tool or household appliance that has a seemingly small malfunction, I
get the message: “Sorry sir. You have to replace it. The check up would cost
you more than the purchase price of a new item, due to our repairing fee”.
There goes the perfectly looking flat-iron, electric
toothbrush, television set, power drill or… you name it. To the recycle bin or the
scrapheap. At the end of its lifecycle, before life started even properly.
But hey… the new television set or electric toothbrush in
The Netherlands costs you only a moderate amount of money. Due to the (still very)
low incomes that people in the Far East and in South-Eastern Europe earn. And to the fact that a lot of factory-owners in
Far Eastern countries look the other way when the subject child labor is
mentioned. The
misery of their overworked and underpaid workers is our good luck.
Still, it bothers me that we have to throw away so many easy-to-repair
stuff, because repairing it would be too expensive; especially due to the
ubiquitous usage of micro-electronics and glued housings.
My late father-in-law, Grigoriy Ilich Furman, who I unfortunately
never met, was a wizard with repairing things: radio’s, television sets and
everything that became defective; you name it… he could repair it. Due to the
simple and robust Soviet/Russian technology of tools, household appliances (and
everything else) that lagged 20 years behind western state-of-the art technology
and design. This arrears in design made Soviet/Russian-made tools / appliances not
very beautiful (to be frank: quite ugly), but on the other hand very easy to repair.
Due to the very low average wage in Russia, it was often worth your wile
to repair that old mixer, sewing machine or Lada car, instead of purchasing a
new one.
These are the reasons that I have mixed feelings on the high
average incomes in the Western European countries.
Today at Twitter, there happened one of those very
interesting discussions that you sometimes get after news is published in the
official media and dropped into Twitter. The news in the spotlights was that
the freshman President of France, François Hollande, had decided to raise the
French minimum wage by a total of 2% aka €21 per month.
Here are the pertinent snips of an article in the Financial
Times that covers this subject:
France’s socialist
government announced the first real-terms increase in the minimum wage for six
years on Tuesday, but limited the rise to 0.6 percentage points above inflation
as it sought to balance election promises with fears of damaging employment.
It also confirmed it
would introduce a 3% tax on company dividends, increase wealth and inheritance
taxes and abolish a tax “shield” – or ceiling – for the wealthy in its effort
to meet its targets of cutting the budget deficit to 4.5% of gross domestic
product this year and 3% in 2013.
But the government
also signalled a freeze over the next three years in nominal terms in a swath
of public spending, saying the budget deficit effort would be balanced between
tax increases and spending cuts.
Business leaders, the
conservative opposition and even German government leaders have criticised
early moves on the economy by president François Hollande as being contrary to
reforms required to restore France’s badly diminished competitiveness and
flagging growth.
But Mr Hollande has
been scrupulous in meeting key election promises such as boosting the minimum
wage and restoring the right for some workers to retire at the age of 60 –
while pledging to hit France’s obligations on its public finances.
Michel Sapin, labour
minister, said the minimum wage would rise by 2% to €9.40 an hour from July 1,
of which 1.4% was accounted for by inflation. It is the first time the base wage, which
affects one in six workers, has been raised above inflation since a 0.3% boost
in 2006, before former president Nicolas Sarkozy in effect froze it in real
Mr Sapin said there
would be no further increase in January, the usual date for an annual revision.
… the CGPME, which
represents small and medium-sized businesses, said it was a “political decision
that will have negative economic consequences”, adding to France’s already high
labour costs and threatening investment and employment.
“It is feared that this
measure will translate into the destruction of tens of thousands of jobs among
the least qualified,” it warned.
Then the discussion broke out between two distinguished
commentators, known from the financial/economic TV-program RTLZ (www.rtlz.nl) and BNR Radio (www.bnr.nl), as well as written financial/economic media:
Mathijs Bouman and Hans de Geus. Mathijs Bouman has in general a liberal/conservative,
rightwing point of view (i.e. the VVD view), while Hans de Geus has in general a
more leftwing, labor-ish approach.
Mathijs Bouman thought that Hollande’s action of raising the
minimum wage was a stupid one that would put the French workers in an even more
unfavorable situation, compared to their German counterparts. This would lead
to a loss of competitiveness and jobs in France and thus to even more unemployment,
as the French workers would not be able anymore to compete with their cheaper
counterparts in other countries.
Hans de Geus responded with a very interesting article in
the Dutch
magazine De Groene Amsterdammer (link in Dutch), arguing that the
minimum wage is only earnt by people in services jobs, like cleaners,
hairdressers, garbage men or employees of fastfood restaurants.
Lowering the minimum wage could lead to a domestic race to
the bottom, while it doesn’t supply many extra jobs in the country (do you know
someone who visits a hairdresser in his neighboring country, because the
hairdresser in his own town is too expensive?)
It could also lead to poor, working people that need
multiple jobs to earn their family income, as one job doesn’t supply enough
money to do so. In the process, people that are unemployed and live from a
welfare benefit will become really, really poor.
Everybody that saw Michael Moore’s documentaries Bowling for Columbine
or Fahrenheit 9/11 knows
what poverty-while-having-a-job looks like.
Therefore the main question of this argument remains: is
François Hollande right or wrong with raising the minimum wage? One clue can be
given by the red text in the aforementioned snip: It is the first time the base wage, which affects one in six workers,
has been raised above inflation since a 0.3% boost in 2006, before former
president Nicolas Sarkozy in effect froze it in real terms.
If I understand this snippet right, it means that the base
wage didn’t rise at all since 2007 until this year, not even by the inflation
amount. This means effectively lowering the minimal wage rate.
If Mathijs Bouman is right, this 5-year period of wage
restraint should have given a boost to French unemployment: if increasing the
minimum wage amount leads to less jobs, than decreasing the minimum wage amount
should lead to more jobs. That is logical, isn’t it?!
Fortunately, it is quite easy to obtain the French
unemployment statistics from Eurostat (ec.europa.eu/eurostat) over the last five
![]() |
French unemployment from 2001-2012 Data courtesy of: ec.europa.eu/eurostat Click to enlarge |
To be fair: there has been a drop in unemployment in France,
since the period of wage restraint started in January, 2007. However, was that
drop in unemployment due to the wage restraint? Or was it because the French economy
was at the peak of a period of conspicuous and hedonistic consumption (just
like many other economies in the world) and France had a new, fresh and bold
president Nicolas Sarkozy?! Who can tell?!
The effect of wage restraint becomes stronger, the longer it
lasts. Still, the party in France was over in May, 2008. After that time the French
unemployment started to rise like a rocket before the credit crisis really
lifted off in Europe, only to end at the level of 10.4%, unprecedented in the
zeroes in spite of the wage restraint.
That the effect of wage restraint has (at best) been very
small is proved by comparing the French unemployment figures with the Dutch
unemployment figures over the same period. As you might know, the Dutch didn’t
have wage restraint in those days
![]() |
French and Dutch unemployment, compared from 2001-2012 Data courtesy of: ec.europa.eu/eurostat Click to enlarge |
The improvement in employment in the period before May, 2008
is just as strong in The Netherlands as in France. You could conclude here that
wage restraint for the minimal wages didn’t help the economy very much in
France. And after May, 2008 the unemployment in France rose much faster than in The
Netherlands (mind here that the chart has two vertical axes. In reality the
Dutch unemployment is much lower than the French, but I put them together at
the same scale for purposes of comparison).
So there might be an amount of truth in the story that wage
restraint among minimum wages helps to reduce unemployment, but the French case
proves that the positive effect was moderate(at best) and lasted only for a
very short period of time.
In case of the German situation with an overall wage
restraint, the effect might have been bigger. The cost price of produced goods
becomes lower and thus the sales price too. However, also in this situation
wage restraint had a lot of negative side-effects: not only for the German
workers and civil servants that became effectively poorer as a consequence of inflation, but also for the other Euro-zone countries that see their competitive position deteriorate as a consequence of this ‘beggar
thy neighbor’ tactics.
Besides that, wage restraint hits often especially the people with the lowest wages, as their job doesn't require much training at first glance and there are enough people to take it over. That is why these are the first people to accept wage restraint: 'for you there are ten others, if you don't accept reduced payment'.
Besides that, wage restraint hits often especially the people with the lowest wages, as their job doesn't require much training at first glance and there are enough people to take it over. That is why these are the first people to accept wage restraint: 'for you there are ten others, if you don't accept reduced payment'.
Besides that, the success of the German factories and
worldfamous brands can not so much be owed to their cost and sales price, but
to their superior quality in almost any kind of manufacturing. If only cost and sales price would matter,
everybody would drive a Landwind car, instead
of a European, Korean or Japanese car. Fortunately, almost nobody doesn’t... and for a very good reason.
This example discloses that there is one much more
important factor for employment and general prosperity in a country: education and training on the job.
With this I do not only mean education at university or college-level, but also
good technical education at a lower level; education where people learn technical
engineering, welding, metal and wood working, carpentry, plumbing, concrete
handling and bar bending, electrotechnique and miscellaneous technical jobs.
These are all jobs that people with an university level often treat with disregard,
but that are indispensable for a modern industrial country: a country like
Germany or France for instance.
Therefore my conclusions can only be that Hollande is right
by handing out the poorest workers their long overlooked minimum wage increase
(since 2007) and that the Small and Medium Enterprise representatives, in my very humble opinion, should not whine about a
lousy € 252 wage increase per year, inclusive 1.4% inflation compensation.
However, what could make François Hollande’s presidency even
more convincing, is when he makes the French economy more competitive: not by
leading the race to the bottom in wage costs, but by:
- improving French education at the highest and especially the lower levels;
- by getting rid of useless government regulation and (semi-)local government layers that add nothing to the French society, but cost billions of euro’s;
- by getting rid of the dozens of often inefficiently operated, stateowned companies;
That would be great when Hollande could achieve this, although it is probably not what chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany wants to hear.
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