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Unemployment in Portugal from 2000-2011 per age category and gender Data courtesy of: Eurostat (ec.europa.eu/eurostat) Click to enlarge |
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Unemployment in Spain from 2000-2011 per age category and gender Data courtesy of: Eurostat (ec.europa.eu/eurostat) Click to enlarge |
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Unemployment in Greece from 2000-2011 per age category and gender Data courtesy of: Eurostat (ec.europa.eu/eurostat) Click to enlarge |
Perhaps it is true
that all three countries have vast black economies and not all officially
unemployed people are in reality unemployed. Both the tourism and the food and
beverage industry (two important industries in these countries) are very
vulnerable to black labor, as it is virtually impossible to check out all
personnel during the holiday season. Still, these unemployment figures speak volumes
of labor markets that are totally messed up.
But wait… There was
another European country that suffered from massive unemployment in times not
very long ago. On top of that, it was an extremely poor and slightly backward
country that suffered from foreign domination for a long time, only to liberate
itself through a bloody war of independence.
In the nineties, this
country went through a kind of make-over and changed into one of the most
successful and rich countries in Europe, only to plunge downwards again in 2008.
The downfall happened, because of a massive real estate bubble and a privately-held
debt that was mindboggling. This country was Ireland, aka the Celtic Tiger and
one of the genuine members of the PIIGS.
Maybe there can be
lessons learned for the three PIIGS-countries having the hardest time,
currently: Portugal, Greece and Spain. Maybe these countries could use the
things that Ireland did right in their own economies and avoid what Ireland did
Let´s dive into the
emergence and collapse of ´The Celtic Tiger´. The history of the Celtic Tiger
is based on a Wikipedia-analysis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_Tiger). Here are a view snippets from this article,
combined with my comments:
The colloquial term Celtic Tiger has been used to
refer to the country itself, and to the years associated with the boom. During that
time, Ireland experienced a boom in which it was transformed from one of
Europe's poorer countries into one of its wealthiest. The causes of Ireland's
growth are the subject of some debate, but credit has been primarily given to
state-driven economic development: social partnership between employers,
government and unions, increased participation in the labour force of women,
decades of investment in domestic higher education; targeting of foreign direct
investment; a low corporation tax rate; an English-speaking workforce, and
crucial EU membership – which provided transfer payments and export access to
the Single Market.
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Scorecard in which the Irish Key Success Factors are investigated for Portugal, Greece and Spain. Data based on various sources Click to enlarge |
In this scorecard,
I took the scores of these PIIGS-countries on the earlier mentioned Key Success
Factors for Ireland. These scores are based on data from various sources that I
could find via the internet.
Portugal scores best with three Good/Moderate scores and a
reasonably attractive corporate tax rate of 25%. However, the country scores
quite poorly on targeting foreign direct investment, according to the Ernst
& Young European Attractiveness Survey 2011, as it doesn’t belong to
the top 15 of most popular countries for foreign investments.
Spain scores only moderate in most categories, but is a
quite popular country for foreign investments (#5). The relatively high
corporate tax and the poor knowledge of English are points that need
Greece scores generally poor in most categories, but has a
low corporate tax and a workforce with moderate knowledge of English. There is
ample room for improvement in this country.
None of the three
countries is outstanding in any category. While Portugal has the best cards currently,
all three countries could improve here to make themselves more attractive to
foreign investors. Especially a good knowledge of English, substantial investments
in higher education and attractive corporate tax rates could do a lot for these
In the 1990s,
the provision of subsidies and investment capital by Irish state organisations encouraged high-profile companies like Dell, Intel,
and Microsoft to locate in Ireland. These companies were attracted to
Ireland because of its European Union membership, relatively low wages,
government grants and low tax rates. Enterprise Ireland, a state agency,
provides financial, technical and social support to start-up businesses.
The building of
the International Financial Services Centre in Dublin led to the creation of 14,000 high-value jobs in
the accounting, legal and financial management sectors.
In these trying times, there could be chances for Portugal, Spain and Greece when they can lower their wages and lower their corporate tax rates. All three countries are of course already a member of the Euro-zone.
I would make one difference to the Irish approach. Instead of attracting high-profile companies with investment and development subsidies, I would attract those companies with longterm (at least ten years) corporate tax breaks, effectively lowering the tax rates to 15-20%.
Subsidies cost a lot of money from central and local governments and when these subsidies eventually dry out, companies have less reason to stay in their host country or region.It happens quite often that companies directly start to look for other subsidized locations instead. Tax breaks on labor and corporate tax on the other hand, initially cost less money to the governments when handed out and can therefore be handed out for a long period (> 10 years). Through job creation and increased prosperity among the population, these tax breaks will pay themselves back eventually.
My Ernst´s Economy´s Top Tip for Spain, Greece and Portugal: teach all unemployed youngsters and students English and make sure they become good at it. Give also older and employed workers a chance to study English. It will be worth every penny of investment. English is the ´Lingua Franca´ of the 21st century, whether you like it or not. When these countries produce workers that speak English fluently, it will dramatically increase their chances on foreign investments.
In February 2010, a report by Davy Research concluded that Ireland had "largely wasted” its years of high income during the boom, with private enterprise investing its wealth "in the wrong places", comparing Ireland's growth to other small Euro zone countries such as Finland and Belgium - noting that the physical wealth of those countries exceeds that of Ireland, because of their "vastly superior" transport infrastructure, telecommunications network and public services.
If these three PIIGS-countries
succeed in attracting foreign investments and their GDP will rise eventually,
they better not invest their money in ´bricks and mortar´. Instead they should
invest the money in:
- Even better education;
- A high-tech ICT infrastructure all over the country;
- Good roads, ports and waterways;
- Centers of excellence in the areas of agriculture, high-tech, manufacturing and services, where scientists and universities, companies and the local government are working together to create value for the future. A good example of this in The Netherlands is Brainport Eindhoven.
All these three countries
experienced a kind of real estate bubble during the last fifteen years.
Especially the CRE- and RRE-bubble in Spain was really huge. I hope all these
countries have learned their lesson from this and avoid real estate bubbles in the future.
The Irish approach certainly
offers perspective for the three most challenged PIIGS countries: Portugal,
Greece and Spain. All three countries have ample room for improvement where it
concerns the key success factors of Ireland.
The unfortunate circumstance
is that the EU, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary
Fund currently focus too much on austerity measures to achieve a reduction of state debt and state deficits.
Austerity measures in the current
circumstances will further choke the economies of these PIIGS, but can´t be
avoided unfortunately. The leaders from Germany, The Netherlands, France and other Euro-zone core countries are
currently looking at the PIIGS´issues ´with blinders on´, focusing solely on
the financial and not on the economic issues of these countries. Therefore they miss the reasons that these
countries are lagging so much, compared to the countries in the Euro-zone core.
But this too shall
pass and in a few years Greece, Spain and Portugal might have more leeway to
make their own economic decisions. I wouldn´t be surprised if these countries
would follow the Irish example.
And then the most
important lessons from Ireland´s collapse in the years after 2000 are:
- Invest in all kinds of infrastructure, but not in real estate
- Avoid an elevated inflation and thus a price-wage spiral.
- Keep the banks (national as well as international) on a short leash and make sure they don´t hand out ´kamikaze´ loans to companies and citizens in your country.
- Keep innovation and investments in higher education and high-tech flowing. Your country should have a competitive edge at the unavoidable moment that the wages go up.