Today, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in The
Netherlands presented the unemployment data for February, 2013. Not surprisingly, the
data was not good at all:
- 21,000 new unemployed in February
- Unemployment rate further up to 7.7%
The most recent
figures released by Statistics Netherlands show that unemployment adjusted for
seasonal variation grew by 21,000 in February to 613,000. The average monthly
increase over the past three months was 20,000. Within a period of three
months, the unemployment rate has gone up from 7.0 to 7.7%.
Unemployment grew more
rapidly among men than among women. Three months ago, 6.8% in the male labour
force were unemployed, versus 7.7% in February. The corresponding figures for
women are 7.2 and 7.8%.
According to the
International Labour Organisation (ILO), 6.2% of the Dutch labour force were
unemployed in February, as against 6.0% in January.
In my opinion, this is really bad data, but it didn’t come unexpected
at all. Before the start of 2012, I expected already that the unemployment would
soar during that year.
I was too early, as it didn’t happen at the time; at least, not in
the tempo that I expected.
Nevertheless, in 2013 the velocity of unemployment growth suddenly
increased. This was in synch with my prediction, that I wrote in my Outlook
for 2012:
Many companies, like
the one that I work for, wrote red figures over the last three years since
2008. And although some companies still managed to make a decent profit during
this period, I don’t expect the Dutch companies to maintain their excess
personnel when the current recession proves to be a nasty one. The period of
mass lay-offs that I noticed during this year has only just started, is my
During 2012 and 2013, the recession proved indeed to be a
nasty one: a recession with a depression-ish appearance.
And indeed, the Dutch companies started to get rid of excess personnel. This development is far from over yet. To the contrary, it is rather gaining momentum.
However, few weeks ago, the pundits
of the Central Planning Bureau (CPB) predicted a slight economic
revival for the second half of 2013:
Despite a slight
recovery later on in the year, GDP volume in 2013 will fall by 0.5%. For 2014,
the economy is expected to grow again by 1%.
At that time I already declared that this was an overly
optimistic outlook, especially when it came to unemployment:
- I’m really puzzled
how the CPB can think that the unemployment will remain relatively stable in
2013 and 2014 and the private consumption might even improve in 2014:
- Mass lay-offs have
been the name of the game, since mid-2011 and their number is only soaring in
the financial industry, Building&Construction, Transport&Distribution
and a dozen of other industries in The Netherlands;
- In my humble opinion,
unemployment will rise further until 8.25% at the end of 2013 and perhaps even
9% in 2014;
- This will have a devastating effect on consumption: this will not only drop in 2013, but also in 2014, is my conviction;
After seeing today’s unemployment data, this predicted revival
in 2013HY2 and 2014 seems indeed just a figment of the CPB’s imagination..., as in
‘wishful thinking’.
As a matter of fact, I am very close to accusing the CPB of just
stating what the Dutch politicians want to hear, when it comes to the revival of economic
growth and especially the reduction of unemployment.
I keep the leaving executive director of the Central
Planning Bureau, Coen Teulings, in high regard. At a number of occasions, he showed
the guts to bring an uneasy message to unwilling political ears.
However, in
case of the economic growth and the rising unemployment, he seemed to have
sugar-coated the difficult messages that he brought. That is a grave mistake, in my opinion.
For the economy to recover and unemployment to drop, a few conditions
must be fulfilled:
- There must be (an outlook to) improvement in certain key-areas of the economy;
- The problems that caused the crisis in the first place, must be (partially) out of the way;
- There must be drivers for (extra) jobs:
- For unemployment to drop, the growth in demand for workers by companies and the government must exceed the growth of the working population. Otherwise the unemployment remains either stable or it grows;
If we look into these bullets, you will agree with me that
the chance for a quick economic recovery is very dim:
Bullet 1
For bullet 1, let’s have a look at these key areas:
![]() |
Outlook for economic recovery and unemployment reduction Click to enlarge |
Bullet 2
It is my opinion that the crisis in The Netherlands has mainly
been caused by a toxic combination of:
- external factors (i.e. the emerging dire economic situation in the United States and the southern countries of the Eurozone);
- undercapitalized Dutch banks;
- the plummeting housing market, which strongly reduced the value of people ‘possessions’;
External factors
The economic situation in the United States has slightly improved, with the help of unprecedented quantitative easing programs. However, since
there have been such large financial aid programs, the effects are not very
impressive. In my opinion, the slightest drawback could easily spur the next leg of the economic
crisis in the US.
The economic situation in the south of Europe: well, what
should I say about that, which you don’t know. The situation is still desperate
and will remain so for a prolonged period of time, especially as firm political decisions stay away.
The growth of (Dutch exports to) the BRIC’s (Brazil, Russia,
India and China) is nowhere near sufficient, to compensate the difficult
situation in the south of Europe for The Netherlands.
Undercapitalized banks
Although the large Dutch banks indisputably made progress
with the improvement of their capitalization
and equity-to-debt ratio, it is still nowhere near the thresholds that have
been set by Basel III.
‘Dead corpses’ floating around at the banks are the large commercial
and residential real estate portfolios. These portfolios still have excess book-values, in
comparison with the marked-to-market value.
When CRE and RRE at the banks would
be appraised correctly, the financial situation of the banks would be far
worse, is my firm opinion. Dutch politicians and supervisors still seem to think: ‘see no
evil. Hear no evil’. That thought cannot be maintained until eternity. At sometime, something's got to give.
Housing market
The Dutch housing market is still a drama with an 8% price
drop in February y-o-y for existing housing. As I stated in the aforementioned table, over a million
houses are underwater (source: CBS). Starters are still intimidated by the high
prices of housing and, on top of that, they often don’t get the necessary
financing from the banks to buy even a starter's house.
As a matter of fact, there is also still a big discrepancy
between available housing and housing required by the market.
The chances for quick recovery of the housing market are
that of a snowball in hell.
Bullet 3
The only driver for jobs that I can think of, currently, is
the fact that the baby-boomer generation is starting to retire now. This could
cause a slight increase in the number of available jobs in the coming years.
However, many companies in many different industries are still
rather getting rid of excess jobs, than that they are looking for more
personnel. As we have been in a situation of general over-production for a prolonged period of time, this makes sense.
At best, retiring personnel is replaced by younger workers, but this
is nowhere near the driver for new jobs that it should be to spur serious unemployment
Summarizing, don’t expect the Dutch unemployment to drop
soon. It just won’t happen!
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